Decolonizing Child Welfare Webinar Learning Series #6 – Recording
Webinar #6 of our Decolonizing Child Welfare Learning Series focused on the services we offer when vulnerable children must be removed from unsafe circumstances and placed in alternative care. In this webinar, we addressed some of the most crucial questions arising from the experience of Indigenous children and families with colonial child welfare systems.
- How do we meet the holistic needs of children and youth placed in care? What are the dimensions that guide us?
- How do we work alongside the Alternative caregivers to guide them, in helping our children and youth who are placed in their homes?
- How do we work to keep children connected with culture, family and community while they are in care?
- How do we work to keep children to family, extended family and community and culture?
We were joined by our host Terri Jaffe, and the following panelists:
- Rosary Spence, Cultural Resource Worker
- Jeffrey Schiffer, Executive Director
- Courtney Dorion, Children’s Services Supervisor
- Jama Maxie, Community Member
- Mark Atanasoff, Director of Quality Assurance & Decolonization